Tomorrow, February 6th, we will celebrating the National Day of Tea in Finland. It is a day of celebrating all manner of tea, tea events, and of course, the sense of community and belonging that tea culture creates.
This year, in the evening, the Finnish tea association will also host a 15 year anniversary celebration!This is the invitation card. "Kutsu" means invite.
Yours truly is certainly looking forward to some good tea tomorrow ^^
Tea nourishes us, calms us, and revives us.
Hooray for tea!
In a time of great technological transformation, it is important that we treasure togetherness. Buiding connection. And together, by sharing our
acquired life wisdom, we can make sense of
the changes. Community
learning is important, because much can be built "from the grassroots up".
Society flourishes when each individual blossoms. And a grand key to our flourish, is, simply, connection. The human connection! The social impact project which sprang from this blog has arranged thematic tea tastings, and other community events over the past seven years. We have documented events as has been possible.
This action has also functioned as a type of R&D center for the mother company. We are happy to say that we have been applying our learnings to our adventures in the Wild Wild...East.
Now, it is time for some structural changes - onwards and upwards!
Esimerkki vuodelta 2014: Viisi-osainen sarja teemalla
"Etappeja Ekososiaalisen Hyvinvoinnin Polulla" (Facebook linkki) Viisi-osaisessa tapahtumassa yhdistämme muutamaa konseptia luoden kokonaisuuden, jossa yhdessä mietimme kolmitasoisen hyvinvoinnin ruohonjuuritason rakentamisen merkityksiä ja mahdollisuuksia. Tämä tarkoittaa hyvinvointia, jota luodaan kolmitasoisesti, eli samanaikaisesti huomioiden taloudellisen, sosiaalisen ja ekologisen hyödyn tasapainon omissa toimissamme. Tämä luonnollisesti vaatii pysähtymistä ja ajatusta, yhteentulemista ja ymmärryksen jakamista. Opimme yhdessä.
työskentelytavasta lisätietoa
Olen vuosien
varrella rakentanut omaa yritystä eteenpäin sivutoimisesti, muiden töiden
ohella. Vuonna 2009 tein valtio-opin harjoitteluni Ajatuspaja e2:ssa. Tämän
minulle arvokkaan oppimisjakson myötä olen omaksunut ajatuspajamaisen
toimintamallin yritykselleni. Mielestäni valtavassa muutoksessa olevaa Kiinaa,
tai teknologiaa, tai ylenpäätänsä tätä valtavassa murroksessa olevaa aikaamme,
ei voi mitenkään muuten lähestyäkään kuin tämänkaltaisella tutkivalla otteella
- alati uusia syvemmän ymmärryksen astuinkiviä etsien.
PS After writing this, I add a post-script at the beginning! The text below begins to tell a difficult story, one that involves an emotional roller coaster from the startup world. The feeling of being caught up in a spy novel, precisely in that particular situation where you realize that things are not what they seemed to be. This piece of music captures those moments well! Am just referring to the music and the general cyberpunk atmosphere, not to the video or film specifically (I have not seen it yet),
Much has happened since the last post (6 months ago!). There has been much joy, but also many challenges. Even, the stuff of tragedy, in these trenches of the heart. The (symbolic) bullet wounds have been taken care of, and they are on the mend. In connection to this, I post a picture from the art gallery, Galleria Lapinlahti, by my office. To me, it speaks of healing. Many thanks to the artist - I hope to have the name for you soon.
During these recent times, a key wisdom, "Protect your heart, for from it flows the wellspring of life", has become a key lesson. I´m brought back to one of my favourite remixes, Nicole Willis´s song "Siesta":
"Join the army for life...fight for your heart. Keep it open; never closed. Keep it pure, keep it real. It´s never time for siesta" Link to song Nicole Willis, Siesta. Roberto Rodriguez Remix
Will share a couple of lessons learned.
But first, below, some pictures of recent happy moments !
Top Grade Long Jing Green Tea
Interior decorating at our our office lobby
My tea cup collection grows <3
Incredible Slush Helsinki 2016
Fun detail from art gallery opening. Such fun running into an art gallery opening party after a long day
New Year lights
Interesting painting at a late-night Slush Side Event (Poker Night)
Now to lessons learned - Comforting is the thought that, in order to win big, you must also be able to take big risks. Yes, check, risk taking is not a problem. But what if you do not know that there are risks involved? If someone, who is introduced to you by a friend, really is not who they say they are...and ends up deceiving, to an extent, both of you?
The second key lesson learned is - if you are running a business, make those risk assessments, despite of everything looking good. Hire a Sun Tzu master, who is trained in uncovering smoke screens. Thank God, I have one now.
Finally, I post a picture from my recent trip to Malmö. I was there on a work trip, together with a friend. On our day off we went biking, as we like to do, and found a great place - the Malmö Saluhall. It was a rainy and windy day, but there we were, biking ... determined to explore the city with the little time that we had. Our (her) find was such a treat - complete with a real authentic noodle place, and yes, there was a tea bar, too! It suffices to say, all this made the heart very happy!:)
On the way back to Helsinki, this song spoke to me in regard to the events of the winter:
"Through it all, through it all, my eyes are on You. And it is well with me...So let go, my soul, and trust in (the Lord). The waves and wind still know His Name"
In the midst of it all, a yearning for simplicity! Professor Majid Rahnema spoke about in this way (translated from French)
"Voluntary poverty which is a free and informed choice for a lifestyle based on an ethic of simplicity, frugality and respect for your neighbor. It expresses the desire to be free from all forms of physical dependence, as selected and the subject of this choice, to threaten its full being. This poverty is a supreme form of wealth, synonymous with a different idea of freedom, autonomy and necessity. It is a liberation from all bondage and dependence. It is poverty as an expression of freedom. The most telling example is that of Christ."
It is Tuesday again, a day for hosting the teabar in Kallio (1400- 1700 or 1800).
Recently, the surroundings have been a bit rowdy, in more ways than one,
but we keep up in our pursuit of peace, love and harmony. It´s
easy to give up, when circumstances turn sour (referring to some Kallio
hassle), but it is especially then that we must push on. As I have
thought for a few years now - in the end, the sour enhances the taste of
the sweet, once we reach it.
Today we also celebrate
the birthday of our Kallio cooperation partner, Waterhouse Lion.
Congrats! We celebrate by selecting a Lion-related theme to meditate upon...
Photo by Victoria Spiridonova
the theme is "Embracing Your Inner Lion". For me, this translates into fearlessness. In the end, that´s what this project celebrates. Fearless living!
In August, Kuusela Tea Company R&D Tea Tuesdays continue in Kallio, every Tuesday from 3PM-7PM @ Juice bar & café Jamaica Sunshine (Aleksiskivenkatu 12 E) until further notice. Jamaican culture is rich in proverbs. Each week at least one new proverb will be showcased - yes, it is "Tea with a Theme"!
This means that if you share a proverb or inspirational thought with us, no charge will be
added to your tea! Also, free tea surprises every time.
High Mountain teas 3 - 6
euros (gaiwan, small/big teapot). Jamaican cakes starting from 2.90 euros. Fresh juices 4-6 euros
*"News! This Just In! Have you heard it?! Its a step towards Edutech"
The core idea of the Teahouse Simulation project, has just been brought to a new
level. If all goes well with finding investment, a Virtual Reality
dimension will be added!! EDITED ON 28.8 VR to help us understand the impact of our choices, be they investment, business or personal-related on both 1) the overall community and 2) the environment. This alongside cross-cultural communication simulation training in Virtual Reality (offering you the possibility to train Chinese language or the related cultural skills, eg the important personal networking, interaction and communication skills, kinestethically, by "trial and error", in a safe setting).
Chinese language and cultural business skills training in enhanced surroundings! (Or the other way around - also training for international business communication and management skills for Chinese firms going global!)
Originally, in planning was the creation of a harmonious space, with historical tea
house design and ambience. Each exclusive event also combining tea with
art, bringing in people to interact and practice the learned skills
with! Key ambitions are: 1) to provide a
learning experience in aesthetic surroundings 2) provide the possibility to
practice learned language and cultural skills in a safe simulated
Built with the condition that the same space can be used for ecosocial wellbeing themed Social Impact R&D
"The most beautiful thing is the fragility of women" -Riccardo Tisci In Vogue Interview March 2016
Where did I go today to find my stratagem? For tea in a café hidden away in a lovely vintage shop in Kallio. I usually take the black Russian tea, but today opted for the decaf ginger lemon option, due to still being on the recovery from a flu. Inspirational surroundings, gentle service and something in the atmosphere that´s very soothing for the soul!
One of the highlights of my day yesterday 17.2.2016 was to find quality teas served by Teemaa ( at an event I attended in relation to Slush China. Will continue this post soon!
Found this gem of a thought on my visit to Beijing -
“Alibaba has helped a lot of small business owners make money through our platforms. But now our challenge is to help more people to make healthy money, ‘sustainable money,’ money that is not only good for themselves but also good for the society. That’s the transformation we are aiming to make.” -Jack Ma of Alibaba
Ote artikkelista "Kestävän hyvinvoinnin mittaamisen vaihtoehdot"
Jukka Hoffrén
"Kohtuutalous pyrkii tarjoamaan mahdollisuuden henkisesti rikkaampaan, kiireettömämpään, terveempään, yhteisöllisempään ja luontoa kunnioittavaan elämään. Tämä edellyttää yhteiskunnan sosiaalisen luottamuspääoman kasvattamista sekä itsekkyyden ja ahneuden vähentämistä. Jatkossa hyvinvointia ei voida enää lisätä tehokkaasti pelkästään taloudellista aktiviteettia kasvattamalla ja korjaamalla jälkikäteen syntyneitä ympäristöhaittoja ja poistamalla sosiaalista pahoinvointia.
Kohtuutalousajattelun hyvinvointia tulee jatkossa luoda niin, että samalla synnytetään mahdollisimman vähän pahoinvointia. Tuotannon arvot tulee voida suhteuttaa aiheutettuihin todellisiin kustannuksiin, ja tuotannossa on otettava huomioon kestävän kehityksen vaatimukset, aiheutetut sosiaaliset ongelmat ja ympäristökustannukset. Pyrkimyksenä on yhteiskunta, jossa taloudellisen päätöksenteon perustana on niin sanottu kolmoishyödyn (Triple Bottom Line) periaate, jossa kulutuspäätöksestä hyötyvät päätöksentekijä itse, muut ihmiset ja luonto."
Muistivinkki: Kolmoishyödyn periaate havainnollistettuna näyttää aivan kolmikerroksiselta leivostarjottimelta...
"Onnellisuudesta ja hyveellisyydestä oman edun tavoitteluun"
"Jo antiikin kuuluisien filosofien Sokrateksen, Platonin ja Aristoteleen mukaan valtion tehtävänä on luoda kansalaisille puitteet hyvään elämään ja peräti ohjata heitä hyvään elämään. Aristoteleen (384–322 eaa.) mukaan onnellisuus on elämän päämäärä, ja niin kauan kuin yksilö pyrkii hyvyyteen, hyvät teot seuraavat automaattisesti tästä kamppailusta tehden yksilöstä hyveellisen ja siten onnellisen. Aristoteleen mielestä rikkauksien kokoaminen ei ole hyvää elämää. Rahavaroja suojelevien ja niitä kartuttamaan pyrkivien ihmisten pyrkimyksenä on Aristoteleen mukaan pelkkä elämä, mutta ei hyvä elämä.
Aristoteleen keinot köyhyyden vähentämiseksi olivat kohtuuden ja tasa-arvon vaaliminen. Platonin mukaan kukaan yhteiskunnan jäsenistä ei saa olla enempää kuin neljä kertaa niin rikas kuin yhteiskunnan köyhin jäsen. Tätä suuremmat tulo- ja varallisuuserot vaarantavat yhteiskunnan vakauden.
Vasta 1700-luvulla oman edun tavoittelun ajatus syrjäytti aiemmat moraaliset pohdinnat hyvästä elämästä. Teollistumisen myötä keskeisiksi kysymyksiksi nousivat varallisuuden lisääntymisen syyt. Kansantaloustieteen isänä pidetty skotlantilainen Adam Smith (1723–1790) pelkisti talouden toiminnan ihmisten oman edun tavoitteluksi. Hänen "näkymättömän käden" -teoriansa mukaan järkevät omaa etuaan ajavat ihmiset hyödyttävät kaikkia pidemmällä aikavälillä, kun he tarjoavat näille vastapalveluksia kuten rahaa tavarasta tai työstä.
Adam Smithin vuonna 1776 julkaistu Kansakuntien varallisuus ajoi markkinoiden vapaata toimintaa, taloudellista liberalismia, syvenevää työnjakoa ja toimivaa hintajärjestelmää. Markkinat jalostavat teorian mukaan yksilöiden ahneuden yhteiseksi hyvinvoinniksi – näin ahneus muuttuu hyväksytyksi taloudellisen kehityksen pontimeksi. Teoria tuki kehitystä kohden yhteiskuntaa, joka painotti teollistumista ja alati laajenevaa taloudellista kasvua, jossa hyvinvointi ymmärrettiin materiaalisen kulutuksen kasvattamiseksi....."
Three's my lucky number And fortune comes in threes But I wish I knew that number That even little children seem to see Oh, I'm missing everything I knew It's just so hard to be a child Oh, I'm missing all the things I knew Yet wish I knew nothing at all I wish I knew nothing at all
Soon I'll have the courage To leave my thoughts behind I'll give back all the knowledge And keep the wisdom precious in my mind
Oh, I'm missing all the things I knew I miss them yet I want them gone Yes, I'm missing all the things I knew Yet wish I knew nothing at all I wish I knew nothing at all I wish I knew nothing at all
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Beijing Startup Street
New*New*New News
in Beijing
Yours truly had the privilege of becoming a founding member of Slush China in October 2015. One of the highlights of the trip was visiting Beijing Startup Street. This street is very well known in China, and one of our Slush Pre-parties was held there as well! More info on Startup Street behind this link
Below is a picture from the Preparty
Next picture: The main event
Upcoming picture: Memorable moments chatting with local startup entrepreneurs at one of the pre-party events at 36KR over cups of high quality oolong! Very nice teapot was lent to me by MInna -- thank you! Pictured also, photo by anonymous artist.
Event held in Helsinki during Slush Helsinki
Slush Side Event Tech & Flourish held at Café Kokko
3stones takes a think tank approach to business, working towards a transformation which Alibaba´s Jack Ma also speaks about. This action arises from the understanding that much innovation is yet required in order for us to step into a way of living that is truly sustainable - in all spheres of of our lives and existence.
In November of 2015, 3stones Consulting had the special privilege to organize a Slush Side Event together with Dr. Arto Salonen, a visionary thinker. The evening was entitled "Tech & Flourish", and it was organized with the aim to better understand the inter-relationship of ecosocial wellbeing and technology.
During the evening, Taiwan Dayuling High Mountain Oolong Tea was served, brewed for us by Pasi Kokko of Kokko Cafe, where the event was held.
Dr. Arto Salonen´s presentation made it clear that we should measure the technology that we build according to how it serves the FLOURISH OF LIFE, not anything else. A roadmap to a sustainable future includes cooperation instead of competition, sharing and caring instead of individualism, immaterial consumption instead of material consumption, and of course, clean energy. Factors of a flourishing life include participation, relationships and harmony... for more detail, please see "Factors of Flourishing Life" -slide below.
A more comprehensive report of the evening is upcoming!
A special thank you to photographer Elina Julin for the office tea art pictures! A warm thank you to Emilia Nieminen also for visualizing the golden tearoom for me.
I like to take my tea with stratagem
For me, a tea moment often forms a meditative space, a space of learning to lean on the Divine. Allowing fear to succumb to love.
It is also a moment for strategy formation - for navigation inbetween and among worlds. A meditative aim? To live in love - fearlessly.
"Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air
I know I can count on you
Sometimes I feel like saying Lord I just don't care