"For her own breakfast she´ll project a scheme, Nor take her tea without a stratagem" Edward Young (1683-1765), Love of Fame, Satire 1

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


In line with company social impact initiative, very pleased to be co-creating the following event!  Key phenomenon as related to Global Mobility, Cross-cultural living, Intercultural competence.


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Celebrating CSR

Was at an inspiring CSR event yesterday! Such a privilege to participate in community building in regard to these themes. We know that strengthened networks and collaboration is needed, but what should be our strategy? Looking forward to giving this some more time soon; here I document a few initial notes for self.

Yes, although I am juggling many different roles at the moment, in the end I am also a CEO navigating a company from a think tank perspective. A think tank, at the core of which is the vision to "support eco-social wellbeing in the East and in the West". It is towards this goal that a certain amount of resources are allocated when possible. As we are bridging worlds via cultural consultancy and training, the ambition is to also bridge worlds in our CSR/Social Impact work. 

Beijing Startup Street 
Was reminded of a "thought diamond" that I found during my time in Beijing working for Slush China in 2015...it was related to something Jack Ma had said. It was about how we all can take responsibility for our environment - no task is too small. Whether its taking care of a garden in our neighborhood, planting a tree or sweeping the floor for the common good.

Now I bring another quote by him, below, and raise the question: What can we do together, to further the prosperity and well-being of the ecosystem? Not just...But the entire ecosystem? Wow. Looking forward to giving more time for this theme soon! After all, social impact/CSR themes were the initial reason why I joined the Slush movement back in 2015 <3 

I see huge potential for CSR cooperation within the Nordic-China startup ecosystem. 

"We firmly believe that businesses in the 21st century must take responsibility to help solve the problems of society. In the history of our development, social responsibility has always been embedded in our corporate DNA. We believe that a healthy and prosperous ecosystem can only be achieved through solving large-scale problems of society."

Jack Ma

Source: link

Monday, February 5, 2018

Hyvää Teenpäivää! Day of Tea Celebrated in Finland 6.2.2018

Photo by Photographer Victoria Spiridonova 
Tomorrow, February 6th, we will celebrating the National Day of Tea in Finland. It is a day of celebrating all manner of tea, tea events, and of course, the sense of community and belonging that tea culture creates.

This year, in the evening, the Finnish tea association will also host a 15 year anniversary celebration!This is the invitation card. "Kutsu" means invite.
Yours truly is certainly looking forward to some good tea tomorrow ^^

Tea nourishes us, calms us, and revives us.
Hooray for tea!