"For her own breakfast she´ll project a scheme, Nor take her tea without a stratagem" Edward Young (1683-1765), Love of Fame, Satire 1

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

12 May introduction to tea tasting evening

Gongfucha -- Gongfu tea – Taitotee  in Helsinki 12 May 2014

Tervetuloa! Nimeni on Päivi Kuusela. Synnyin kiinalaisen, amerikkalaisen ja suomalaisen mailman risteyskohtaan, ja tämä luonnollisesti myös heijastuu yritystoiminnassani. Kiinan kielen ja liikekulttuurin koulutustoimintani ohessa järjestän myös teehetkiä yhteisöllisyyden rikastuttamiseksi. Usein nämä tapahtumat rakentuvat erilaisten teeemojen ympärille.

Perinteisesti kiinalaisen kulttuuripiirin alueella tee, taiteet ja yhteiskunnallinen keskustelu ovat kuuluneet yhteen. Oppineet keittivät teetä lähdevedestä ja kokoontuivat puutarhapaviljonkeihin keskustelemaan ja nauttimaan taiteista, esimerkiksi runoudesta.

Tästä ajatuksesta minulle on syntynyt haave luoda sellaisia teenmaisteluhetkiä, joissa yhdistyisi taide ja yhteiskunnallinen keskustelu. Tämä sarja on muodostunut tämän haaveen pohjalta...sarjan teemana on ekososiaalisen hyvinvoinnin rakentaminen, jossa ihmiskeskeisyys ja luonnon kunnioitus ovat kestävän kehityksen keskiössä. Samalla tavalla kuin kestävän kehityksen haasteet, idän ja lännen kohtaaminen on myös asia, joka tarvitsee ajatuspaja-tyyppistä lähestymistä


Because of our English speaking guests, I will speak partly in English. The Finnish translation of my short introduction has been given to you in paper form. English-Finnish translation will be provided throughout the evening.

When training Chinese business culture, Confucianism is a central theme for me. Confucianism has a rich virtue heritage. The Chinese world also places heavy importance on form and symbolism. In the example below symbolism and virtues interact

Phoenix (feng)
The phoenix is the ‘king of birds’ and symbolises good fortune and opportunity as it appears only in times of peace and prosperity. In Chinese mythology, the phoenix is a benevolent bird since it does not harm insects, and each of its body parts represents one of the virtues of benevolence (ren ),
righteousness (yi ),
propriety (li),
knowledge (zhi )
and sincerity (xin ).

For me, gongfucha is a celebration of skill and wisdom, to which the theme of balance is very much inter-related. Virtue can be seen to be the golden way in the middle of two extremes. Virtue is about balance. Virtue and skill are not automatic in nature, but require training... Gongfu means skill that has been acquired through training.

For example when studying dance, one realizes that training, stretching and bending are required. This can sometimes even hurt.

So it is with the search for wisdom; sometimes we must let go of our own magnificent plan in the light of the brilliance of Wisdom. The art of letting go…

For me the Gongfucha tea brewing method symbolizes the search for wisdom and skill as potrayed in Proverbs 2. One translation in Finnish says “ ...to apply (bend) one´s heart to understanding?”

Proverbs 2
The Value of Wisdom (my two notes like this)

... if you receive my words, And treasure my commands within you,So that you incline your ear to wisdom,And apply (BEND) your heart to understanding;Yes, if you cry out for discernment,And lift up your voice for understanding,If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures;Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, And find the knowledge of God.

For the Lord gives wisdom (A HER!); from His mouth come knowledge and understanding…


As a social entrepreneur, I am interested in finding ways of doing balanced business, business that is in harmony with both nature and my community. In more detail, my research question is how to

"not only look to your interests, but also to the interests of others"

Thank you