"For her own breakfast she´ll project a scheme, Nor take her tea without a stratagem" Edward Young (1683-1765), Love of Fame, Satire 1

Monday, May 11, 2020

Very excited about this! Material for thesis

Found via a keynote last week by Ann Rosenberg, an impact leader. Background for the keynote that was entitled "How to Prepare Your Business for the World After COVID19":

The COVID-19 pandemic has inspired businesses to accelerate their sustainability efforts as they navigate a new world. Businesses that have already begun their sustainability journeys are emerging better prepared and more resilient. Despite the difficulty caused by the pandemic, it has provided an opportunity for corporations, startups, NGOs, government, and civil society to focus on responsibility and sustainability as they prepare for the future

Language study via "Negotiator" (谈判官).

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Memories of slides and slides and slides

Critical Realism, theory and methods. Political science compulsory methodology course. Highly interesting for my research purposes, but highly demanding, especially when dealing with some burn out symptoms = memory loss. Shot below of street art that brought cheer