"For her own breakfast she´ll project a scheme, Nor take her tea without a stratagem" Edward Young (1683-1765), Love of Fame, Satire 1

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Kiinan kielen klubi teellä

Kiinan kielen klubimme valmistautuu maistelemaan valkoista jasmiiniteetä...haudutustapana tällä kertaa venäläinen haudatus. Teen kanssa syömme savulohisalaattia, jälkiruokana pientä makeata. Life is sweet.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Photo by Elina Julin
The golden tearoom is a state of mind, a shared inner place of the heart. It is built anytime a pot of tea is served.

The golden tearoom is a shared space; key building blocks are mutual respect and harmony.

Harmonious living 101: "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." NT