"For her own breakfast she´ll project a scheme, Nor take her tea without a stratagem" Edward Young (1683-1765), Love of Fame, Satire 1

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Read on a windy evening

"The ren man expends his wealth to expand himself. Lacking ren, one expends himself to expand his wealth."

Ren= the highest Confucian virtue: selflessness, love, "the virtue denoting the good feeling a virtuous human experiences when being altruistic" (wikipedia)

Found In
The Great Learning 大學
Translated by A. Charles Muller
The Traditional Commentary, Attributed to Confucius, Through the Transmission of Cengzi
Source: http://www.acmuller.net/con-dao/greatlearning.html
 Photo:Elina Julin