Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Study notes on topic: Keynesian economics, China and the global financial crisis
Returning to readings in global political economy.
Link to "Mainly Macro" blog below
"Trade collapsed in the winter of 2008 around the globe, without exception. This was very bad news for China. Whereas exports had been around 35% of GDP in 2007, they fell to around 25% of GDP in 2009. That is a big hole to fill, and if it wasn’t filled, there was a chance that Chinese growth would collapse completely with damaging knock on (multiplier) effects to the rest of the economy. Above all else, China feared the political consequences of the unrest widespread unemployment would bring.
Link to "Mainly Macro" blog below
"Trade collapsed in the winter of 2008 around the globe, without exception. This was very bad news for China. Whereas exports had been around 35% of GDP in 2007, they fell to around 25% of GDP in 2009. That is a big hole to fill, and if it wasn’t filled, there was a chance that Chinese growth would collapse completely with damaging knock on (multiplier) effects to the rest of the economy. Above all else, China feared the political consequences of the unrest widespread unemployment would bring.
As Tooze recounts, China’s reaction was swift and bold. In November 2008 it announced a stimulus package of public spending worth 12.5% of GDP. (The Obama stimulus package, by comparison, was around 5% of GDP.) “Over the days that followed [the announcement], across China, provincial party meetings were hurriedly convened …” Within a year 50% of the stimulus projects were underway. Some of this stimulus paid for what Tooze describes as “perhaps the most spectacular infrastructure project of the last generation anywhere in the world”, the Chinese high speed rail network. Monetary policy was also relaxed.
In 2008 as a whole, before the stimulus and hardly touched by the collapse in world trade, Chinese GDP grew by 9.6%. In 2009, when GDP in the advanced countries fell by 3.4%, Chinese growth was 9.1%. The stimulus package had filled the whole left by collapsing Chinese exports...
China... was not part of the global banking network that caused the GFC. But the US and UK stimulus programmes could and should have been larger. Those close to the action tell me that the UK was running out of things to spend more money on in 2008/9, but I cannot help think this amounts to a failure of imagination: it is not as if UK infrastructure is great, there are no flood defence projects left to do etc. Above all else China’s example tells you what a huge mistake 2010 austerity was."
China... was not part of the global banking network that caused the GFC. But the US and UK stimulus programmes could and should have been larger. Those close to the action tell me that the UK was running out of things to spend more money on in 2008/9, but I cannot help think this amounts to a failure of imagination: it is not as if UK infrastructure is great, there are no flood defence projects left to do etc. Above all else China’s example tells you what a huge mistake 2010 austerity was."
mainly macro: How China beat the Global Financial Crisis: If you were hoping for something on yesterday’s interest rate rise, I can only direct you to the leader in the FT today which says: “Ther...
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Celebrating CSR
Was at an inspiring CSR event yesterday! Such a privilege to participate in community building in regard to these themes. We know that strengthened networks and collaboration is needed, but what should be our strategy? Looking forward to giving this some more time soon; here I document a few initial notes for self.
Yes, although I am juggling many different roles at the
moment, in the end I am also a CEO navigating a company from a think tank
perspective. A think tank, at the core of which is the vision to "support
eco-social wellbeing in the East and in the West". It is towards this goal that a certain amount of resources are allocated when possible. As we are bridging
worlds via cultural consultancy and training, the ambition is to also bridge
worlds in our CSR/Social Impact work.
Beijing Startup Street |
Was reminded of a "thought diamond" that I
found during my time in Beijing working for Slush China in was
related to something Jack Ma had said. It was about how we all can take
responsibility for our environment - no task is too small. Whether its taking
care of a garden in our neighborhood, planting a tree or sweeping the floor for the common good.
Now I bring another quote by him, below, and raise the
question: What can we do together, to further the prosperity and well-being of
the ecosystem? Not just...But the entire ecosystem? Wow. Looking forward to giving more time for this theme soon! After all, social impact/CSR themes were the initial reason why I joined the Slush movement back in 2015 <3
I see huge potential for CSR cooperation within the Nordic-China startup ecosystem.
"We firmly believe that businesses in the 21st
century must take responsibility to help solve the problems of society. In the
history of our development, social responsibility has always been embedded in
our corporate DNA. We believe that a healthy and prosperous ecosystem can only
be achieved through solving large-scale problems of society."
Jack Ma
Source: link
Monday, February 5, 2018
Hyvää Teenpäivää! Day of Tea Celebrated in Finland 6.2.2018
Photo by Photographer Victoria Spiridonova |
This year, in the evening, the Finnish tea association will also host a 15 year anniversary celebration!This is the invitation card. "Kutsu" means invite.
Yours truly is certainly looking forward to some good tea tomorrow ^^
Tea nourishes us, calms us, and revives us.
Hooray for tea!
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Much can be built "from the grassroots up"
In a time of great technological transformation, it is
important that we treasure togetherness.
Buiding connection. And together, by sharing our
important that we treasure togetherness.
Buiding connection. And together, by sharing our
acquired life wisdom, we can make sense of
the changes. Community
learning is important, because much can
be built "from the grassroots up".
be built "from the grassroots up".
Society flourishes when each
individual blossoms. And a grand key to our
flourish, is, simply, connection. The human
connection! The social impact project which
sprang from this blog has arranged thematic
tea tastings, and other community events over
the past seven years. We have documented
events as has been possible.
individual blossoms. And a grand key to our
flourish, is, simply, connection. The human
connection! The social impact project which
sprang from this blog has arranged thematic
tea tastings, and other community events over
the past seven years. We have documented
events as has been possible.
This action has also functioned as a type of
R&D center for the mother company. We are happy to
say that we have been applying our learnings to our
adventures in the Wild Wild...East.
R&D center for the mother company. We are happy to
say that we have been applying our learnings to our
adventures in the Wild Wild...East.
Now, it is time for some structural changes -
onwards and upwards!
onwards and upwards!
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Ajatuspajatoiminnasta taustatietoa
Esimerkki vuodelta 2014: Viisi-osainen sarja teemalla
"Etappeja Ekososiaalisen Hyvinvoinnin Polulla" (Facebook linkki)
Viisi-osaisessa tapahtumassa yhdistämme muutamaa konseptia luoden kokonaisuuden, jossa yhdessä mietimme kolmitasoisen hyvinvoinnin ruohonjuuritason rakentamisen merkityksiä ja mahdollisuuksia. Tämä tarkoittaa hyvinvointia, jota luodaan kolmitasoisesti, eli samanaikaisesti huomioiden taloudellisen, sosiaalisen ja ekologisen hyödyn tasapainon omissa toimissamme. Tämä luonnollisesti vaatii pysähtymistä ja ajatusta, yhteentulemista ja ymmärryksen jakamista. Opimme yhdessä.
Viisi-osaisessa tapahtumassa yhdistämme muutamaa konseptia luoden kokonaisuuden, jossa yhdessä mietimme kolmitasoisen hyvinvoinnin ruohonjuuritason rakentamisen merkityksiä ja mahdollisuuksia. Tämä tarkoittaa hyvinvointia, jota luodaan kolmitasoisesti, eli samanaikaisesti huomioiden taloudellisen, sosiaalisen ja ekologisen hyödyn tasapainon omissa toimissamme. Tämä luonnollisesti vaatii pysähtymistä ja ajatusta, yhteentulemista ja ymmärryksen jakamista. Opimme yhdessä.
työskentelytavasta lisätietoa
Olen vuosien
varrella rakentanut omaa yritystä eteenpäin sivutoimisesti, muiden töiden
ohella. Vuonna 2009 tein valtio-opin harjoitteluni Ajatuspaja e2:ssa. Tämän
minulle arvokkaan oppimisjakson myötä olen omaksunut ajatuspajamaisen
toimintamallin yritykselleni. Mielestäni valtavassa muutoksessa olevaa Kiinaa,
tai teknologiaa, tai ylenpäätänsä tätä valtavassa murroksessa olevaa aikaamme,
ei voi mitenkään muuten lähestyäkään kuin tämänkaltaisella tutkivalla otteella
- alati uusia syvemmän ymmärryksen astuinkiviä etsien.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Too much adventure
During these recent times, a key wisdom, "Protect your heart, for from it flows the wellspring of life", has become a key lesson. I´m brought back to one of my favourite remixes, Nicole Willis´s song "Siesta":
"Join the army for life...fight for your heart. Keep it open; never closed. Keep it pure, keep it real. It´s never time for siesta" Link to song
Nicole Willis, Siesta. Roberto Rodriguez Remix
Will share a couple of lessons learned.
But first, below, some pictures of recent happy moments !
But first, below, some pictures of recent happy moments !
Top Grade Long Jing Green Tea |
Interior decorating at our our office lobby |
My tea cup collection grows <3 |
Incredible Slush Helsinki 2016 |
Fun detail from art gallery opening. Such fun running into an art gallery opening party after a long day |
New Year lights |
Interesting painting at a late-night Slush Side Event (Poker Night)
Now to lessons learned - Comforting is the thought that, in order to win big, you must also be able to take big risks. Yes, check, risk taking is not a problem. But what if you do not know that there are risks involved? If someone, who is introduced to you by a friend, really is not who they say they are...and ends up deceiving, to an extent, both of you?
The second key lesson learned is - if you are running a business, make those risk assessments, despite of everything looking good. Hire a Sun Tzu master, who is trained in uncovering smoke screens. Thank God, I have one now.
Finally, I post a picture from my recent trip to Malmö. I was there on a work trip, together with a friend. On our day off we went biking, as we like to do, and found a great place - the Malmö Saluhall. It was a rainy and windy day, but there we were, biking ... determined to explore the city with the little time that we had. Our (her) find was such a treat - complete with a real authentic noodle place, and yes, there was a tea bar, too! It suffices to say, all this made the heart very happy!:)
On the way back to Helsinki, this song spoke to me in regard to the events of the winter:
"Through it all, through it all, my eyes are on You. And it is well with me...So let go, my soul, and trust in (the Lord). The waves and wind still know His Name"
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Friday, October 7, 2016
In the midst of it all, a yearning for simplicity! Professor Majid Rahnema spoke about in this way (translated from French)
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Teabar today in Kallio -Teebaari tänään Kalliossa - 9/6/2016
It is Tuesday again, a day for hosting the teabar in Kallio (1400- 1700 or 1800).
Recently, the surroundings have been a bit rowdy, in more ways than one,
but we keep up in our pursuit of peace, love and harmony. It´s
easy to give up, when circumstances turn sour (referring to some Kallio
hassle), but it is especially then that we must push on. As I have
thought for a few years now - in the end, the sour enhances the taste of
the sweet, once we reach it.
Today we also celebrate the birthday of our Kallio cooperation partner, Waterhouse Lion. Congrats! We celebrate by selecting a Lion-related theme to meditate upon...
the theme is "Embracing Your Inner Lion". For me, this translates into fearlessness. In the end, that´s what this project celebrates. Fearless living!
Today we also celebrate the birthday of our Kallio cooperation partner, Waterhouse Lion. Congrats! We celebrate by selecting a Lion-related theme to meditate upon...
Photo by Victoria Spiridonova |
Friday, August 26, 2016
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Kuusela Tea Company R&D Tea Tuesdays in August
In August, Kuusela Tea Company R&D Tea Tuesdays continue in Kallio, every Tuesday from 3PM-7PM @ Juice bar & café Jamaica Sunshine (Aleksiskivenkatu 12 E) until further notice. Jamaican culture is rich in proverbs. Each week at least one new proverb will be showcased - yes, it is "Tea with a Theme"!
This means that if you share a proverb or inspirational thought with us, no charge will be added to your tea! Also, free tea surprises every time.
High Mountain teas 3 - 6 euros (gaiwan, small/big teapot). Jamaican cakes starting from 2.90 euros. Fresh juices 4-6 euros
This means that if you share a proverb or inspirational thought with us, no charge will be added to your tea! Also, free tea surprises every time.
High Mountain teas 3 - 6 euros (gaiwan, small/big teapot). Jamaican cakes starting from 2.90 euros. Fresh juices 4-6 euros
Photo by Victoria Spiridonova |
Monday, August 8, 2016
*"News! This Just In! Have you heard it?! Its a step towards Edutech"
The core idea of the Teahouse Simulation project, has just been brought to a new level. If all goes well with finding investment, a Virtual Reality dimension will be added!! EDITED ON 28.8 VR to help us understand the impact of our choices, be they investment, business or personal-related on both 1) the overall community and 2) the environment. This alongside cross-cultural communication simulation training in Virtual Reality (offering you the possibility to train Chinese language or the related cultural skills, eg the important personal networking, interaction and communication skills, kinestethically, by "trial and error", in a safe setting).
The golden door to the future is ajar!
Chinese language and cultural business skills training in enhanced surroundings! (Or the other way around - also training for international business communication and management skills for Chinese firms going global!)
Originally, in planning was the creation of a harmonious space, with historical tea house design and ambience. Each exclusive event also combining tea with art, bringing in people to interact and practice the learned skills with! Key ambitions are: 1) to provide a learning experience in aesthetic surroundings 2) provide the possibility to practice learned language and cultural skills in a safe simulated setting.
The core idea of the Teahouse Simulation project, has just been brought to a new level. If all goes well with finding investment, a Virtual Reality dimension will be added!! EDITED ON 28.8 VR to help us understand the impact of our choices, be they investment, business or personal-related on both 1) the overall community and 2) the environment. This alongside cross-cultural communication simulation training in Virtual Reality (offering you the possibility to train Chinese language or the related cultural skills, eg the important personal networking, interaction and communication skills, kinestethically, by "trial and error", in a safe setting).
The Golden Door of the Future |
Chinese language and cultural business skills training in enhanced surroundings! (Or the other way around - also training for international business communication and management skills for Chinese firms going global!)
Originally, in planning was the creation of a harmonious space, with historical tea house design and ambience. Each exclusive event also combining tea with art, bringing in people to interact and practice the learned skills with! Key ambitions are: 1) to provide a learning experience in aesthetic surroundings 2) provide the possibility to practice learned language and cultural skills in a safe simulated setting.
Built with the condition that the same space can be used for ecosocial wellbeing themed Social Impact R&D
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