"For her own breakfast she´ll project a scheme, Nor take her tea without a stratagem" Edward Young (1683-1765), Love of Fame, Satire 1

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Ville Sorsa & Puer @ Think Tank Tea 1.4! Respect!

Next event will be on Tuesday 22.4 6PM welcome! Details belowwhere you can also RSVP!
Seuraava tapahtuma tulee olemaan tiistaina 22.4 klo 18 alkaen. Lisätietoja alla olevasta facebook eventistä, johon pyydämme ilmoittautumiset jotta voimme kohdentaa tarjoilut.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

In answer to a question today that I had difficulty answering at first


Background of upcoming series 

"On Tea, Virtue & Balance" Ever since I can remember, one key resource that I have had is tea. Having been born into a life in-between worlds, tea has been a factor that has linked these worlds for me. Tea brings people together, and there is something divine in people coming together. 

We become who we are through a complex web of interaction and encounter. I am, because you are, and I am all the more richer because of my community.  To explore shared meanings, understandings while respecting and valueing difference: this for me, is encounter. Together, we are stronger. Often we think that it is a sign of weakness to need another. Although we need a balance in everything, it is not a sign of weakness to need another - togetherness is actually within the Divine plan. 

But how to measure that balance? Virtue, it has been said, is the middle ground between two extremes. When we cultivate understandings of virtue - and virtue itself, we cultivate balance. Virtue is at the core of the best we can be. It is also at the core of the best economy that we can build. In Finnish, the degrowth economy is called "kohtuutalous" , which speaks of an economy that is balanced and "reasonable". 

If balance is virtue, then can an economy be virtuous (everyone please allow this mindplay)? To my mind, yes, if its function is to serve instead of subdue. The ancients in China believed that those who govern should govern by virtue. To my mind, this is an example for us today even on the grassroots level! As each of us governs as king or queen of our own castle, of our own microcosmos, we are to govern with virtue. What do we govern? That which we have influence over. In our own microcosmos, we hold the scepter of authority and can make choices. This is my vantage point and starting point for reform. 

Again an ancient Chinese wisdom speaks of the ramifications of reforming oneself. As we strive for balance, in our lives, the small waves - when combined- form larger ones in a way that the larger currents of society are affected. Balance masters chaos! The reform of the global financial architecture takes place from the bottom up. For me, revolution in this context is about acting in the opposite way as that which has poisoned this global financial architecture; the opposing force of solitary greed is communal generosity. 

My way of making a change in the marketplace has been to sow the seed of generosity when possible. At a time in my life where I had very limited resources, I asked myself the question of what is a resource that I can share? What I had was, tea. And so I began sharing the tea, the main idea being: I share my tea to bring people together, and as everyone comes together and shares - life knowledge or other resources, maybe the jam- we are all enriched!  My adventure of exploring what it means for a business to function in a degrowth economy is only beginning, but one key lesson that I have learned is that much value can be created with very little. It is this story that is continued by the upcoming Think Tank Tea- event series. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Read in Preparation for 22.4.2014 Think Tank Tea! -event

Read over tea today:

"Addressing a sustainable economy is for me an economy which upholds a socially and ecologically just society, locally, which in turn has important ramifications globally. The dominant economic paradigm in which economic growth is seen as a panacea, continues to generate globally inequalities, as well as ecological havoc by its using up of natural resources.

Instead, it seems useful to be looking at alternative paradigms which put people and nature first, and which make people and not corporate profit interests, the producers of value. At the Peoples Summit of the Rio+20 Conference in June in Brasil, where I participated, such alternative paradigms were prominently present and debated, such as that of Solidarity Economy building and the Commons.

The idea of a Solidarity economy has been developed since the 1980’s, especially in Latin America, and has been taken forward in processes as the World Social Forum.  In this approach, economy is about the whole of how “we as human beings collectively generate livelihoods in relation to each other and to the Earth” (Miller 2004), and we are being urged to look at the economies that we build with our everyday lives and relationships. “Maintaining social life” is the primary goal of these “people’s economies”."

Excerpt from "Sustainable Economy" By Ruby Van Der Wekken

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Read on a windy evening

"The ren man expends his wealth to expand himself. Lacking ren, one expends himself to expand his wealth."

Ren= the highest Confucian virtue: selflessness, love, "the virtue denoting the good feeling a virtuous human experiences when being altruistic" (wikipedia)

Found In
The Great Learning 大學
Translated by A. Charles Muller
The Traditional Commentary, Attributed to Confucius, Through the Transmission of Cengzi
Source: http://www.acmuller.net/con-dao/greatlearning.html
 Photo:Elina Julin

Saturday, November 23, 2013

On the Role of Technology in Alleviating Suffering

Topic: Merging Innovation & Poverty
What: Bill Gates Wired Essay


"Technology is unlocking the innate compassion we have for our fellow human beings. In the end, that combination—the advances of science together with our emerging global conscience—may be the most powerful tool we have for improving the world." - Bill Gates

More of article below:

"This realization led me to rethink some of my assumptions about how the world improves. I am a devout fan of capitalism. It is the best system ever devised for making self-interest serve the wider interest. This system is responsible for many of the great advances that have improved the lives of billions—from airplanes to air-conditioning to computers.
But capitalism alone can’t address the needs of the very poor. This means market-driven innovation can actually widen the gap between rich and poor...
I have been sharing my idea of catalytic philanthropy for a while now. It works a lot like the private markets: You invest for big returns. But there’s a big difference. In philanthropy, the investor doesn’t need to get any of the benefit. We take a double-pronged approach: (1) Narrow the gap so that advances for the rich world reach the poor world faster, and (2) turn more of the world’s IQ toward devising solutions to problems that only people in the poor world face. Of course, this comes with its own challenges. You’re working in a global economy worth tens of trillions of dollars, so any philanthropic effort is relatively small. If you want to have a big impact, you need a leverage point—a way to put in a dollar of funding or an hour of effort and benefit society by a hundred or a thousand times as much.
One way you can find that leverage point is to look for a problem that markets and governments aren’t paying much attention to..
Catalytic philanthropy doesn’t replace businesses. It helps more of their innovations benefit the poor...
People often ask me, “What can I do? How can I help?”
Rich-world governments need to maintain or even increase foreign aid, which has saved millions of lives and helped many more people lift themselves out of poverty. It helps when policymakers hear from voters, especially in tough economic times, when they’re looking for ways to cut budgets. I hope people let their representatives know that aid works and that they care about saving lives. Bono’s group ONE.org is a great channel for getting your voice heard.
Companies—especially those in the technology sector—can dedicate a percentage of their top innovators’ time to issues that could help people who’ve been left out of the global economy or deprived of opportunity here in the US. If you write great code or are an expert in genomics or know how to develop new seeds, I’d encourage you to learn more about the problems of the poorest and see how you can help.
At heart I’m an optimist. Technology is helping us overcome our biggest challenges. Just as important, it’s also bringing the world closer together. Today we can sit at our desks and see people thousands of miles away in real time. I think this helps explain the growing interest young people today have in global health and poverty. It’s getting harder and harder for those of us in the rich world to ignore poverty and suffering, even if it’s happening half a planet away.
Technology is unlocking the innate compassion we have for our fellow human beings. In the end, that combination—the advances of science together with our emerging global conscience—may be the most powerful tool we have for improving the world."

For the whole article go to  http://www.wired.com/business/2013/11/bill-gates-wired-essay/

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A honor!

It was a special privilege and honor to hear about President Niinistö´s project to support children and youth in Finland. Here is the webpage:  http://www.tavallisia.fi/

More later!

Monday, October 22, 2012


Suomen Pankin Rahamuseossa on rauhallinen kahvila, josta saa myös haudutettua teetä ja hyvää lohipiirakkaa. Kiitos! (Upea kuva:Jaakko Koskentola)!
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about gold - yes. For example, what kind of perspective should I have in relation to profit, what it is I value, how to balance social capital in the equation... etc!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Teellä luettua

 Upseerin etiikka.
 Jarno Limnell (Vieraskynä, www.hyvejohtajuus.fi)

Johtajan on kuitenkin lähes mahdotonta kehittää johtamiskäyttäytymistään, jollei hän ensin osaa johtaa itseään...

Sotilaille johtaminen on vahvassa yhteydessä toimintakykyyn. Sen kehittäminen voidaan määritellä kasvavaksi valmiudeksi toimia vastuullisesti eri tavoin – fyysisesti, psyykkisesti, sosiaalisesti ja eettisesti – kuormittavissa tilanteissa ja ympäristöissä...

Hyvällä sotilasjohtajalla tulee olla kyky jatkuvaan itsereflektioon. Tarvitaan jatkuvaa pohdintaa siitä, mitä tehdä, miten ja miksi toimia. Kuten fyysinen kunto, myös moraalinen kunto on prosessi. Se on jatkuvaa ponnistelua aiemman käyttäytymisen parantamiseksi. Moraalinen kunto on käytännöllistä viisautta, joka tekee mahdolliseksi tehdä oikeita valintoja.

....inhimillinen toimintakyky on tarpeen nimenomaan vastuullisessa päätöksenteossa – vaikeissa ihmisyyttä, oikeudenmukaisuutta ja ylipäätään elämän säilymistä koskevissa tilanteissa.

...Upseerina (nyt reserviin siirtyneenä) olen oppinut, että henki on aina miekkaa vahvempi – oli taistelupaikka, -aika tai -tapa mikä tahansa. Johtajan tehtävänä on huolehtia hengestä.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Read over tea today

The Chicago Plan Revisited
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Working Paper No. 12/202

"At the height of the Great Depression a number of leading U.S. economists advanced a proposal for monetary reform that became known as the Chicago Plan. It envisaged the separation of the monetary and credit functions of the banking system, by requiring 100% reserve backing for deposits."

Did you know, that banks have not always functioned as they function today? Initially the monetary and credit functions were seperated, yes they were!  The full working paper, from where the above excerpt is taken, can be found at:

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Vastuullisen sijoittamisen seminaari

Kuusela tea company osallistui Vastuullisen sijoittamisen seminaariin syyskuussa. Ohessa lyhennetty kooste. Kooste kokonaisuudessaan sekä monta ajatustimanttia sisältäneen Innovaatio- ja ympäristöjohtamisen professorin Raimo Lovion (Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu) Degrowth- ystävällinen esitys pdf muodossa, sekä yleinen kooste seminaarista löytyy Finsifin sivuilta www.finsif.fi.

Jokainen meistä päivittäin päättää, mihin sijoitamme aikaamme ja erilaisia resurssejamme. Sijoittakaamme viisaasti!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Vamos projekti - upeaa!

Tässä yksi nuorten omia voimavaroja tukeva projekti!


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Teellä luettua - "Moni nuori voi pahoin Suomessa" (Vartti-lehti)

Nimimerkki `Tunnoton´ kirjoitti seuraavasti artikkelissa, joka löytyy lehdestä Vartti 3. elokuuta 2011. Kirjoittaja, 15-v nuori, kysyy, miksei pahoinvoivia nuoria auteta mitenkään.  Hän kirjoittaa:

"Elän itse paikkakunnalla, jossa nuorten pahoinvointi on jatkuvasti esillä. Silti vanhempien luokse mennään hymyssä suin, vaikka koulussa, kotona tai ulkona tapahtuisi mitä. Siksi olisi tärkeää, että perustettaisiin palveluita, jotka antaisivat nuorille omia voimavaroja (lihavointi lisätty)".

Tämän blogin ja myöhemmin syntyneen yhteiskunnallisen yrityksen Kuusela tea company:n johtotähtenä toiminut ajatus on ollut juuri tämä -  nuorten oman henkilökohtaisen potentiaalin vahvistaminen. Kiitos  nimimerkki `Tunnoton´. Pidämme asiaasi esillä!

Koko artikkeli:

"Haluaisin kertoa teille 13-19 nuorten pahoinvoinnista. Minusta tämä alkaa olla todella ajankohtainen aihe. Tunnen monia ikäisiäini (15-vuotiaita), joiden vanhemmat ovat viikkoja poissa, joilla on menneisyydessä esimerkiksi raiskauksia, kotiväkivaltaa, muuta hyväksikäyttöä, koulukiusauksesta psykooseihin asti. Miksi heitä ei auteta mitenkään?

Tiedän, että on olemassa sosiaalityöntekijöitä, mutta silti ongelmat vain lisääntyvät. Esimerkiksi ulkomaalaistaustaiset nuoret joutuvat jatkuvasti tappelemaan vanhempiensa kanssa kahden kulttuurin välillä, joka johtaa joskus äärimmäisyyksiin.  Nuorten kokemien ongelmatilanteiden lista jatkuu loputtomiin.

Elän itse paikkakunnalla, jossa nuorten pahoinvointi on jatkuvasti esillä. Silti vanhempien luokse mennään hymyssä suin, vaikka koulussa, kotona tai ulkona tapahtuisi mitä. Siksi olisi tärkeää, että perustettaisiin palveluita, jotka antaisivat nuorille omia voimavaroja. Vanhempien tai perheen elämään puuttuminen saattaa vain satuttaa tai hämmentää nuoria. Vanhempien häpeä tai viha saavat tuntemaan, että on tehnyt jotain väärin.

Siksi olisi tärkeää, että nuorilla olisi omia voimavaroja nousta esiin ja laittaa piste sille, että heillä on lapsen oikeudet, mutta usein aikuisen velvollisuudet."

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pieni teekoulu memo

Pieni Teekoulu- `Luxusteetä arjen keskellä´
Teenystävien vuosikokous 23.3.2011

Teetä hauduttelemassa: `Teen tutkimusmatkailija´ Päivi Kuusela
Tee: Taiwanilainen Li-vuoren kevyesti hapetettu oolong tee (korkeiden vuorten tee)
Haudutusmenetelmä: Taiwanilainen tilanteeseen sovellettu perinteinen haudutusmenetelmä

Tarvitsemasi välttämättömät tarvikkeet ja välineet 
-lasittamaton punasavipannu ja keraamiset pikkuteekupit (saatavilla Helsingistä)
-syvä tarjotin tai vedenkestävä teetarjotin 
-kulho ylimääräiselle vedelle ja käytetyille teenlehdille
-laadukas irtotee, kokolehtinen (kevyesti hapetettu oolong tee)

-vesipiste ja vesikannu (spriikeitin)
-teelusikka, teepiikki, teepihdit
-teemeri (kermakon näköinen astia) ja sihti
-veden lämpötilan mittari


1) Teepannu (ja kupit) lämmitetään
2) Teelehdet puhdistetaan (hieman avautuvat samalla)
3) Ensimmäinen haudutus noin minuutti (veden lämpötila n. 95 c) 
4) Toinen haudutus minuutti + 20/30 sekuntia

Hyvä muistaa: 

-Teepannua valellaan vedellä, jotta pannun sisä-, ja ulkolämpötilat olisivat samoja
-Tee kaadetaan joko teemereen(kermakon näköinen astia) tai yhtäjaksoisella liikkeellä teekuppeihin, jotta jokaiseen teekuppiin tulisi samanasteinen-, makuinen haudutus.
-Yleensä teetä haudutetaan yixing-pannuissa maksimissaan noin neljälle kerrallaan. Tämä toteutus on sen koulutuksellisesta näkökulmasta johtuen kokeilevaa taidetta. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

In Honor of the One

Kahlil Gibran: The Crucified, excerpts
Written on Good Friday

On this one day of each year, the philosophers leave their dark caves, and the thinkers their cold cells, and the poets their imaginary arbors, and all stand reverently upon that silent mountain, listening to the voice of a young man saying of His killers, "Oh Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing."

But as dark silence chokes the voices of the light, the philosophers and the thinkers and the poets return to their narrow crevices and shroud their souls with meaningless pages of parchment...

The young men and women who are racing with the torrent of modern civilization will halt today for a moment, and look backward to see the young Magdalen washing with her tears the blood stains from the feet of a Holy Man suspended between Heaven and Earth; and when their shallow eyes weary of the scene they will depart and soon laugh.

On this day of each year, Humanity wakes with the awakening of Spring, and stands crying below the suffering Nazarene; then she closes her eyes and surrenders herself to a deep slumber. But Spring will remain awake, smiling and progressing until merged into Summer, dressed in scented golden raiment...

Humanity looks upon Jesus the Nazarene as a poor-born Who suffered misery and humiliation with all of the weak. And He is pitied, for Humanity believes He was crucified painfully.... And all that Humanity offers to Him is crying and wailing and lamentation. For centuries Humanity has been worshipping weakness in the person of the Saviour.

The Nazarene was not weak! He was strong and is strong! But the people refuse to heed the true meaning of strength.

Jesus never lived a life of fear, nor did He die suffering or complaining.... He lived as a leader; He was crucified as a crusader; He died with a heroism that frightened His killers and tormentors...

Jesus .... came to send forth upon this earth a new spirit, with power to crumble the foundation of any monarchy built upon human bones and skulls. He came to demolish the majestic palaces, constructed on the graves of the weak, and crush the idols, erected upon the bodies of the poor. Jesus was not sent here to teach the people to build magnificent churches and temples amidst the cold wretched huts and dismal hovels. He came to make the human heart a temple, and the soul an altar, and the mind a priest.

These were the missions of Jesus the Nazarene, and these are the teachings for which he was crucified. And if Humanity were wise, she would stand today and sing in strength the song of conquest and the hymn of triumph.

Oh, Crucified Jesus, who art looking sorrowfully from Mount Calvary at the sad procession of the Ages, and hearing the clamor of the dark nations, and understanding the dreams of Eternity: Thou art, on the Cross, more glorious and dignified than one thousand kings upon one thousand thrones in one thousand empires.

Thou art, in the agony of death, more powerful than one thousand generals in one thousand wars.

With thy sorrows, thou art more joyous than Spring with its flowers...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My cup of tea!

..."we cannot expect immigrants to turn into Finns, but the `new me´ will be built on top of an old identity- as if forming a third hybrid identity. This is precisely the process we have to aim towards with integration."

-Tino Singh in Six Degrees issue 3/11