Friday, November 15, 2019
Technology for Good

Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Monday, October 21, 2019
10 years of charting our way!
It all began with ponderings over this piece of Scripture:
Each of you should not only look to your interests, but also the interests of others.
...and continued to the exploration of themes on how to conduct balanced business. Here is an excerpt from 2014, an intro to a wonderful Think Tank Tea -series on ecosocial wellbeing created together with a special friend and supporter who prefers to remain unanominous.
...and continued to the exploration of themes on how to conduct balanced business. Here is an excerpt from 2014, an intro to a wonderful Think Tank Tea -series on ecosocial wellbeing created together with a special friend and supporter who prefers to remain unanominous.
Balance masters chaos! The reform of the global financial architecture takes place from the bottom up. For me, revolution in this context is about acting in the opposite way as that which has poisoned this global financial architecture; the opposing force of solitary greed is communal generosity.
My way of making a change in the marketplace has been to sow the seed of generosity when possible. At a time in my life where I had very limited resources, I asked myself the question of what is a resource that I can share? What I had was, tea. And so I began sharing the tea, the main idea being: I share my tea to bring people together, and as everyone comes together and shares - life knowledge or other resources, maybe the jam- we are all enriched!
My adventure of exploring what it means for a business to function in a degrowth economy is only beginning, but one key lesson that I have learned is that much value can be created with very little. It is this story that is continued by the upcoming Think Tank Tea- event series.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Podcast intro finished!
The role of the podcast is to provide snapshots of one cultural mediator's journey into the fresh field of impact investing
Taking this perspective, Chunyi ventures into the fascinating field of social impact investment, analysing its development via Nordic-China comparisons. She applies paradox management lens, embracing difference positively and sifting for the essence of that "internal tension" between opposites... with the ultimate mission of smart contradiction management in order to build partnerships for the UN 2030 sustainable development goals - targeting goal number 17.
(Source referred to above: Karsaklian, Invisible Negotiator in the Land of Paradox Management).
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Study notes on topic: Keynesian economics, China and the global financial crisis
Returning to readings in global political economy.
Link to "Mainly Macro" blog below
"Trade collapsed in the winter of 2008 around the globe, without exception. This was very bad news for China. Whereas exports had been around 35% of GDP in 2007, they fell to around 25% of GDP in 2009. That is a big hole to fill, and if it wasn’t filled, there was a chance that Chinese growth would collapse completely with damaging knock on (multiplier) effects to the rest of the economy. Above all else, China feared the political consequences of the unrest widespread unemployment would bring.
Link to "Mainly Macro" blog below
"Trade collapsed in the winter of 2008 around the globe, without exception. This was very bad news for China. Whereas exports had been around 35% of GDP in 2007, they fell to around 25% of GDP in 2009. That is a big hole to fill, and if it wasn’t filled, there was a chance that Chinese growth would collapse completely with damaging knock on (multiplier) effects to the rest of the economy. Above all else, China feared the political consequences of the unrest widespread unemployment would bring.
As Tooze recounts, China’s reaction was swift and bold. In November 2008 it announced a stimulus package of public spending worth 12.5% of GDP. (The Obama stimulus package, by comparison, was around 5% of GDP.) “Over the days that followed [the announcement], across China, provincial party meetings were hurriedly convened …” Within a year 50% of the stimulus projects were underway. Some of this stimulus paid for what Tooze describes as “perhaps the most spectacular infrastructure project of the last generation anywhere in the world”, the Chinese high speed rail network. Monetary policy was also relaxed.
In 2008 as a whole, before the stimulus and hardly touched by the collapse in world trade, Chinese GDP grew by 9.6%. In 2009, when GDP in the advanced countries fell by 3.4%, Chinese growth was 9.1%. The stimulus package had filled the whole left by collapsing Chinese exports...
China... was not part of the global banking network that caused the GFC. But the US and UK stimulus programmes could and should have been larger. Those close to the action tell me that the UK was running out of things to spend more money on in 2008/9, but I cannot help think this amounts to a failure of imagination: it is not as if UK infrastructure is great, there are no flood defence projects left to do etc. Above all else China’s example tells you what a huge mistake 2010 austerity was."
China... was not part of the global banking network that caused the GFC. But the US and UK stimulus programmes could and should have been larger. Those close to the action tell me that the UK was running out of things to spend more money on in 2008/9, but I cannot help think this amounts to a failure of imagination: it is not as if UK infrastructure is great, there are no flood defence projects left to do etc. Above all else China’s example tells you what a huge mistake 2010 austerity was."
mainly macro: How China beat the Global Financial Crisis: If you were hoping for something on yesterday’s interest rate rise, I can only direct you to the leader in the FT today which says: “Ther...
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Thursday, April 11, 2019
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